Saturday, December 5, 2015

Heinz Field: Crowds

The ideal weekend with your loved one consists of relaxing and spending quality time with one another which often does not occur during the week due to each of your busy schedules.  The weekend is a time that allows for you to catch up with each other and recoup from the strenuous week that you both endured.  Weekends are the time for intimate dates and romantic getaways.  Attending a Steelers' game at Heinz Field on a weekend does not allow for any intimacy between you and your partner.  Instead of you two catching up and relaxing, Heinz Field will cause you to to feel rushed and on edge.  The crowds at the stadium cause couples to get involved in the hustle and bustle which is the opposite of what weekends are all about.


In the last few years, workers have expanded Heinz Field's capacity by installing an extra 7,000 seats which brings the grand total up to 68,400 seats, and those 68,400 do not include the standing room only sections.  You must also take into account the thousands of people around the stadium for tailgates and other game day activities.  Imagine 68,000+ crazed fans all packed into the vicinity of a football stadium.  What thoughts come to mind when imagining such an event?  Chaos, mob scene, insanity, pandemonium?  Yes, all of those terms are applicable.  Now imagine you and your girlfriend trying to navigate your way around the stadium; making your way to your seats.  From personal experiences, this scenario never goes well for you and your significant other.  All I have to say is if you do feel bold enough to venture into the chaos of Heinz Field, plan to go early and stay late.  It takes a considerable amount of time for 68,000+ people to pack into a stadium and then disperse as well.  If you are planning on making a trip to Heinz Field, I strongly advise you to reconsider because you and your partner plus 68,400 fans will not end in your favor.  

Heinz Field Sold Out
Photo courtesy of

Mob of fans
Photo courtesy of 


Do not expect to come to Heinz Field and have a romantic time with your date.  A romantic date consists of you and your lover having an intimate conversation and really getting to know one another.  Disregard any intimacy if you plan on coming to Heinz Field.  With a crowd of some 60,000 dedicated fans comes a substantial amount of noise.  When the game gets underway and the crowd gets hyped up, it is nearly impossible to hear the person next to you without them screaming at the top of their lungs down into your ear canal.  The only way to have some type of a romantic time is if you sit in the box seats which allows for couples to mingle and converse.  A typical box ticket comes in around $225 a person, so I will leave that one on you to decide.   

All in all, Heinz Field is not the place for a couple to get together and spend time on a weekend.  The set up of the stadium along with the thousands upon thousands of fans in not conducive to furthering a romantic relationship.  You are better off going out to eat or even watching the game at home which both allow for conversation and intimacy.  Whatever you do, make sure you say no to Heinz Field and spend the time with your girlfriend somewhere else. 

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