Saturday, December 5, 2015

Heinz Field: Introduction

Heinz Field - home of the six time Super Bowl champion Pittsburgh Steelers.  When driving through the Fort Pitt Tunnels into the city, the stadium is the first sight you see.  The stadium is hard to miss with its mustard yellow seats blinding your eyes and its two 8,000 pound, 35 feet long "Red Zone" ketchup bottles topping the scoreboard.  Located on the North Shore of the Pittsburgh Area, the stadium is in the heart of the hardworking city and is a prime location for avid football fans to watch a game.  Heinz Field substitutes as a church on Sundays for most yinzers (Pittsburgh natives), and the majority of Pittsburghers make it a priority to attend at least one Steelers' game in their lifetime.  Attending a game at Heinz Field is definitely a unique experience if you are a young man with a group of buddies looking for good time.  However, if you are looking for a place to take your girlfriend on a date, then I advise you to stay away.

Photo courtesy of

Photo courtesy of

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Below is a link to general information about Heinz Field.

The purpose of this blog is to inform young men of the of the possible realities of Heinz Field and to convince them that the stadium is not a romantic place to take a girl.  Personally, I have witnessed events at the stadium that have scarred me to this day and have made me realize that Heinz Field is not an appropriate environment for a date which many naive people believe it to be.  In the maybe seven or eight games that I have attended in my lifetime of 19 years, I have witnessed countless fights, abusive language, and absurd alcohol consumption.  Just naming a few of these experiences should raise a red flag to any young man looking for a place to take his lover.  As a result of the terrible experiences I have had in my several trips to Heinz Field, I am deeming Heinz Field as "The Place You Do Not Want to Take Your Date on the Weekend".  Throughout the rest of this blog series, I will be evaluating Heinz Field and sharing key information in order to save your relationship.  In the blogs to come I will focus on the following criteria... 

  • considerably high costs
  • busy areas with large crowds not conducive to a romantic time 
  • the negative atmosphere of Heinz Field 

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I read your bog such a beautiful image and great information.
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